in collaboration with the 2000HIV consortium

22-25 September, Ghent, Belgium

Call for abstracts

The HIV Cure Research Center invites you to submit abstracts for poster presentations for the HIV Cure Symposium to be held on 22-25 September 2024 in Ghent. 

The deadline for abstract submission is July 10 – 12AM, 2024

You will be notified of poster acceptance by July 16, 2024.

Please send abstracts as a PDF document to Karen Vervisch – by July 10.

Posters will be presented on Monday, September 23, and a jury will score all posters for the best poster prizes in three categories: virology, immunology and cure research.

Submission guidelines:

– The abstract must be submitted in English only

– The abstract can have a maximum of 350 words (excluding abstract title and authors)